Being content with mediocrity

As I drove to work this morning, I was listening to Mere Christianity, the famous book by C.S. Lewis.  He remarked that most people come to God because there are one or two sins that embarrass them, and they want God to take care of just those sins, and then leave them alone to live a normal life.  They really don’t want the radical whole-life change that God wants for them. 

Am I like this?  I think I am, more often that I would like to admit. 

“God, please heal this, or cure that, and protect my family, or help me achieve success, or remove this tendency towards greed, lust, or laziness.” 

“What?  You want to turn my life upside down and redo all my priorities, and give me a completely new life?  You want to give me Your life?”

“Well God, I really just needed that thing from you, and I really don’t want you to go to such extremes with me.  I’d much rather remain normal.  Can’t I just give You part of me, maybe even a big part, but not all?  I really do enjoy doing my own thing sometimes.”

Unfortunately, I don’t want to be great, to be excellent, to be world-class, to be a man you would write about.  I want to be a normal guy who did some good things, touched some needy people, and the rest of time lived his own life.

Ouch.  That hurts to admit.  But it’s true much of the time. 

I truly believe God is changing my heart to want the incredible life He has planned for me. 

“Daddy, I want to want what you have for me.  I know that You love me, and you have something much grander, much harder, and much more rewarding than I would ever choose for myself. 

I believe.  Oh God, help my unbelief.


Do you enjoy being normal?  How does it make you feel to think of being radically changed by God?