Retirement – what will I do?

I’ve discussed the need to clarify my dreams for retirement.  I’ve said that there are some retirement dreams that I cannot fulfill with any amount of money, and so I’d best not try.  There are other dreams I have for retirement that I can experience now, and if I can do that, I should.  After all, I might not even live until I retire, or I might be in such bad health when I do that I can’t pursue my dreams.

So what dreams do I have for retirement? 

1. Are they something completely new that I can’t do at all now? 

2. Or will I be more completely devoting myself to a dream I’m living now, since I will no longer have the restriction of trading my time for money?

For the first, Rachel and I would love to spend some months living on a house boat while cruising the Intercoastal Waterway that runs along the Atlantic coast from Texas to New Jersey.

For the second, I can mentor young men now, teaching them about bushcraft, firemaking, fixing things, weaponry, and being a man.  But without the need for full time employment, I could devote more time and attention to this dream.

In the next retirement post, I’ll talk about the safety net called Social Security, and whether I think it will fall apart before I retire.  And if it does, what in the world will we all do?