What is your core diet?

As Rachel and I learn about eating food to fuel our bodies, prevent disease, and avoid injury, we’ve realized that it’s very important to realize what foods make up the majority of our diet.  I call it our Core foods.  These are cheap, plentiful, boring foods that form a foundation for most all we eat. 

In the US, here are some common core foods:

1. Corn products – high fructose corn syrups sweetens most of our sugary foods and drinks, corn oil (or vegetable oil) is in dozens of common products, and corn is fed to cattle and poultry, so it’s in most of our meat.  Here are some other foods that contain corn – http://www.businessinsider.com/everyday-foods-contain-corn-prices-soar-2012-7?op=1

2. Soy –  meat fillers, most foods at fast food restaurants are cooked in soybean oil.  Here are some other foods that contain soy – http://www.meghantelpner.com/blog/soy-masquerading-as-a-whole-lot-of-other-stuff/

3. Wheat – bread, buns, crusts, tortillas, biscuits, cakes, cookies, crackers, pancakes, waffles, cereal, breaded meat liked fried chicken, and pasta.

4. Potatoes – french fries and potato chips.

5. Beef and chicken – you can figure this one out


With a bit of research into each of these foods, it’s not hard to see why America is fat and sick.  For just a minute, forget about what the USDA says, and read about how these foods are grown, how they are processed , and what additives are used to increase their shelf life or enhance their taste.  As Rachel and I did this research, we began to transition to a new list.  We don’t have a big food budget, so things like organic cashew flour were not possible.

Here are some of our core foods, in no particular order.

1. Sprouted lentils

2. Organic rice

3. Raw goat’s milk (from our goats)

4. Free range eggs (from the chickens that roam the farm)

5. Bananas

6. Frozen ground turkey (this is a weak point in our nutrition, but organic meat is crazy expensive)

7. Oats, soaked overnight to remove the enzyme inhibitors.

8. Organic cool press coconut oil

9. Butter (until we get our own cow, we’ll have to buy it).


Of course, my two list are over simplified, because obviously many other foods are added to these core foods to create meals.  But it’s very important to realize that if the core foods are unhealthy, then using a fat free dressing or low fat yoghurt or not super sizing the value meal or eating less or taking vitamins or going for a jog isn’t going to do diddly squat for my weight, health, or energy.